通讯地址: 北京市西城区文兴东街1号商务写字楼 中国社会科学院工业经济研究所(邮编100044)
中国人民大学 助教、讲师 (1987/7-1991/11)
中国社会科学院工业经济研究所 副研、研究员 (1991/11-至今)
荷兰Tilburg大学 访问学者(1996/1-6)
美国Cornell大学管理学院 访问学者 (2000/5-2001/5)
已出版学术专著14部。主要著作有《成本》(人民出版社,1994,独著)、 《知识经济与企业管理》(独著,广东人民出版社,1999)、《实现企业跳跃性成长——民营企业的资本运营》(独著,中国民主建设出版社,2003)《现代企业管理综合专题》(独著,经济管理出版社,2000),《国有企业经营者的激励与约束——理论、实证与政策》(主编,经济管理出版社,2001)、《企业管理现代化、科学化问题研究》(合著,经济管理出版社,1999),《企业经济学》(合著,经济科学出版社 1998),《股份制企业运作》(合著, 经济管理出版社1998),《国有企业亏损研究》(合著, 经济管理出版社1998),《发展与危机》(合著,上海人民出版社,1996)、《企业组织结构调整》(合著,经济管理出版社,1995)等。在《中国工业经济》、《经济管理》、《经济研究参考》、《改革与发展》、《人民日报》、《经济日报》、《科技日报》等国内外期刊、报纸上发表论文百余篇。
Ms. Du Yingfen
MA. Professor and research Fellow, the director of Research Dept. of Finance and Accounting of Institute at
Industrial Economics in CASS.
Tel: 0086-10-68047531 Institute of Industrial Economics
Fax: 0086-10-68032679 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Speciality: Financial Management, M&As, Corporate Restructuring, Business Management
1. Academic Background
Since 1987 Ms Du Yingfen has been engaged in economics and management research in
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and People’s University of China. Up to now, she has
been author or co-author of 100 journal articles, and 14 books in diverse areas such as economic
reform, financial management and corporate Governance. In addition, she participated in more
than ten major national-level research projects, six of them were awarded. In these research
reports, she put forward many constructive suggestions for our government’s policy-making. She is the director of Research Dept. of Finance and Accounting of Institute at Industrial Economics in
CASS now. Her recent research areas focus on Capital Structure and Earnings management of
Chinese Listed Companies, and financial control of companies.
2. Education:
09/1985—07/1987 Dept. of Industrial Economics,People's University of China Graduate student
09/1981—07/1985 Dept. of Accounting & Business Management, Xiamen University
Undergraduate student
3. Experience:
Research & Working Experience:
11/1991— Present Research Fellow, Institute of Industrial Economics, CASS.
05/2000—05/2001 Visiting Scholar, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
01/1996—07/1996 Visiting Scholar, University Center for Market Economics,
Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
Teaching Experiences:
10/1991— Present Professor of Graduate School of CASS.
09/1987—07/1991 Instructor of Dept. of Business Economics, People's University of China
Teaching Courses: Corporate Finance, Strategic Management, Theory of Management, Enterprise Consult, etc.
4. Awards:
National Development Top Prize:
Zhu Hongfei , DuYingfen et al. , Development and Crisis, Shanghai People Press, Shanghai,
China, Aug.1996
CASS Prize:
Zheng Haihang, Duyingfen et al., Study on Deficit of State-owned Enterprises, Economic
Management Press, Beijing, China, March 1998.
Chen Jiagui, Du Yingfen et al., Adjustment of Enterprise Organizational structure under Market
Economy, Economic Management Press, Beijing, China, April 1995.
Huang Sujian, Duyingfen, et al., Corporation Institutions and Enterprise Reform, Economic
Management Press, Beijing, China, Dec. 1994.
Wu Jiajun, Du Yingfen, et al., Study on Reform of Chinese Enterprise institutions, Economic
Management Press, Beijing, China, Nov.1993.
5. Research Areas:
Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate restructuring, Business Management
6. Major Research Projects:
Financial Control of Group Companies, a Key Project of IIE of CASS, 2004-2005.
Earnings management of Chinese Listed Companies, a Key Project of IIE of CASS, 2003-2004.
Study on Capital Structure of Chinese listed Companies, a Key Project of IIE of CASS, 2001-2002.
International Mergers & Acquisitions, financed by Ford Foundation, 2000-2001.
Study on Mechanism of Managerial Incentive and restriction, a Key Project of CASS, 1998-1999.
Study on Modernization of Enterprise Management, a Key National-level Project of Social Sciences, 1996-1999.
Study on State-owned Holding Company, a Key Project of CASS, 1996-1997.
Present Condition and Way out of the heavy deficit State-owned Enterprises, one of the first batch
of key tender projects by CASS, 1993-1995.
Strategy of Enterprises Technical Improvement, a Project of State Economic Commission, 1995.
Study on Economic Development of the Chinese Yangtze River Valley, a Key National-level Project of Science and Technology, 1993-1995.
Quality Strategy of China, a Project of State Economic Commission, 1994.
Corporation System and Enterprise Reform, a Key National-level Youth Project of Social Sciences, 1992.
Adjustment on the Enterprise Organizational Structure under Market Economy, a Key National-level Project of Social Sciences, 1991-1993.